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Biuro rachunkowe Będzin

Pomożemy Ci w zakresie: Księgowość i podatki Kadry i płace Doradztwo i monitoring należności

We are a company with rich experience in rendering services for foreign companies operating in Poland. We know the Polish conditions and realities, as well as the way of thinking of people managing foreign companies. We move ahead of their questions and offer advice in their daily service. Our experience is based on the 7-years-long period of work at a big Italian office, handling international companies. We are also a company with knowledge of trans-boundary account settlements, especially ones connected with account settlement of self-balancing foreign branches. Among other things, we specialize in account settlement of Polish companies, who have their foreign branches in Czech Republic and Italy, as well as the Czech and Italian companies, who have their branches in Poland.

I. Offer

We offer complex services of accountancy management, along with providing professional advice. Practically, we can render any possible services which can be handled by means of outsourcing. The fundamental service that we offer is managing account books.

Currently we render following types of services:

  1. Service of managing account books
  2. Simplified (in terms of form) accountancy for small companies – Revenue and Expense Ledger.
  3. Preparing payrolls and advising in personnel management (personal files of the employees).
  4. Accountancy advice with elements of tax advice.
  5. Legal assistance.
  6. Monitoring outstandings of the serviced clients, along with carrying out legal proceedings by writ of payment.
  7. Personnel advice for clients in terms of finding new employees.

We manage our accounting office in accordance with the licences given by the Finance Minister to Piotr Pawliszyn and Barbara Gajdzik-Pawliszyn, which enable us to manage account books.

We provide accountancy services using the software of Symfonia company. While, in terms of preparing payrolls we us the software of Comarch CDN OPT!MA. At the same time, thanks to our experience, we know the basic management of computer programs basing on AS400, which use Client Access (for example: Golden Lake).

Apart from current accountancy services we cooperate with a tax adviser and a legal adviser. Within the framework of our accountancy services we provide accountancy advice with elements of tax advice. In case of conflicts with administrative offices and a need of working out complicated tax issues, we cooperate with a tax adviser. Due to that, we are capable of offering a constant, complex services in terms of tax and legal advice.

II. Guarantee

We have legal insurance concerning the activity of our accounting office (15.000 Euro). Moreover, we have an additional insurance policy concerning professional civil liability, within the range which is not covered by obligatory insurance, up to 200.000 PLN. Actually we are insured totally up to 15.000 Euro and 200.000 PLN.

III. Expierience

We manage (or managed in the past) the accountancy books for the following types of companies:

  1. productive companies – automotive branch; home appliances branch.
  2. so-called productive companies – providing services on a consigned material.
  3. service companies – such as – project offices; constructional companies and project companies; companies who hire properties; ~who hire employees; transport companies; ~who provide technical advice; telecommunication companies; other immaterial services.
  4. trading companies – trading with various goods.

Within the range of our activity, we have provided services for several companies operating within the area of the Katowice Special Economic Zone (Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna - KSSE). We know and provide account settlements for issues connected with activities within the KSSE.

We provide services for companies who have foreign branches. We know the character of servicing the companies who balance with reference to having their foreign branches in two countries. We co-create the price policy in mutual account settlements between the Foreign Branch and the Mother Company. We prepare documentation of Transfer Pricing.

Our employees have their articles published in press and tax publishing houses.

IV. Co-operators

In terms of the services that we provide for our customers we cooperate with:

- Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów REWIDO sp. z o.o. w Katowicach (Expert Accountant Office REWIDO Ltd. in Katowice) – in terms of consulting with expert accountants.

- ROŻEK BROKERS GROUP biuro w Tychach (ROŻEK BROKES GROUP, office in Tychy) – in terms of property insurance

- CONNECTO sp. z o.o. Office in Sosnowiec – Golden Partner of COMARCH – in terms of software and introducing the CMA OPT!MA.

- VINCI & VINCI Tax Advice Office, R.Pioterczak and associates, limited partnership in Katowice.

- Krakowski Bank Spółdzielczy Oddział w Katowicach (Cooperative Bank of Cracow, branch in Katowice)

V. Contact

Konsultor Advising and Accountancy P.Pawliszyn and associates Ltd.
Office: 42-500 Będzin, Zwycięstwa 12

Tax ref.: 6462490444
ID: 276923110
NCR: 0000081608
Initial Capital: 50.000 PLN.

tel.: 32 793 73 31,
fax: 32 778 31 05.

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